March 2023 Ravata Newsletter


Thank you for reading Ravata’s monthly newsletter where we aim to keep our friends, customers, and collaborators informed of Ravata’s news.  In this issue, we will cover shipping systems and Ravata’s position as Finalists in the Sacramento Kings Capitalize Contest. 

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Sacramento Capitalize Kings Contest

Out of over 120 companies Ravata made it down to the Final 4 for the Sacramento Kings Capitalize Contest. The competition is spearheaded by the Sacramento Kings to support entrepreneurship, innovation, and community stewardship in the Greater Sacramento Area. tive. To this end our product development goals have revolved around building a device that will be versatile, intelligent, and simple. 

To view the videos of the contestants please visit:

Voting ends on March 24th and the winner for the competition is presented on March 28th. For Ravata Solutions the support of our friends, advocates, followers, and peers would go a long way to progressing Ravata’s mission to make IVF success possible for the first time. Through the publicity from the competition we hope to make contact with technically minded individuals to help in our continued development, medically focused individuals to bridge the gap between medical devices and patients, as well as business executives who can foster collaboration between organizations. 

Devices Have Shipped!

At long last Ravata has shipped the last of the remaining units intended for evaluation to customers, partners, and collaborators across the country. In the next 3 months Ravata plans to double the number of devices deployed in the field and by the end of the year 20x the number of chips that have been shipped for embryo evaluation. 

In aggregate over 3000 embryos at various stages of development and strains of both bovine as well as mice will be evaluated in the next two months. Ravata will identify the strain specific patterns for high quality embryos but also use the aggregated measurements to identify what similarities regarding embryo quality exist across mammalian embryos that could have a human clinical impact.

Still enrolling Pilots!

For field applications, data is required using cells at the facility of use. We are now offering Pilots to install and tailor the system for customers and collaborators. Contact us here to receive more information on the Pilot and check out our website for more information on the benefits. 


Ravata Team